Welcome to my online resume

Hello ! My name is Yoann, and this is the home page of my personal porfolio and online resume. Here you can find my projects, skills, and contact information.

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Let me introduce myself

I'm currently a Master's student in Information Systems Management at Epitech Digital School, where I'm learning to implement and manage innovative digital solutions for various business challenges. Passionate about the world of cloud, analytics and artificial intelligence, I have obtained certifications from Google and AWS to strengthen my skills and knowledge in these areas.

I'm hard-working, serious and very diligent. I'm always ready to listen and make pertinent suggestions. I have a strong interest in the cloud and digital transformation. I am a good listener, serious, and proactive. I am organized, creative, open-minded, and have excellent people skills.

Download My Resume

Here you can find the two last versions of my resume in the PDF format.

🇫🇷 French Version 🇬🇧 English Version




Digital Intern

Period: January 2023 - June 2023

Organization: Fédération Internationale de Basketball (FIBA) — Switzerland

Project management of a chatbot and conversational solution integrating AI for the 2023 Basketball World Cup:

  • Needs analysis
  • Benchmarking and analysis of solutions (RFI)
  • Implementation of a test and evaluation platform (PoC)
  • Final scope, price, terms and conditions negotiation with a vendor (BotsCrew)
  • Budget management and project launch.

This project involved the development of an advanced chatbot, using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques and Large Language Models (LLM), including ChatGPT, to provide an intuitive and responsive conversational interface. This solution was designed to respond effectively to user queries at the event. Click here for more information

Creation of analytical dashboards for business intelligence purposes, with data acquisition via GA4 and BigQuery on the Google Cloud Platform. Improved user experience (UI/UX) on applications and websites. Participation in an online affiliate marketing project.


AWS Cloud Logo

AWS Certified Solutions
Architect Associate

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

To come in 2024

AWS Cloud Logo

AWS Cloud - Cloud Practitioner

Amazon Web Services (AWS)
February 2024 - February 2027

See Credential

Google Cloud Logo

Google Cloud - Cloud Digital Leader

Google Cloud Skills Boost
December 2023 - December 2026

See Credential


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Year: 2023-2024

The FYNN project involves managing the technical aspects of creating an application focused on preventive maintenance for vehicles. The technology stack selected for this application includes React Native, Node.js, and AWS. The project also involves defining the solution architecture and implementing a WordPress website. Additionally, an LLM model has been integrated into the system. API testing has been conducted using Postman. Read more

React Native Node.js AWS WordPress LLM Postman
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Year: 2024

Development of an application for employees to track their mood each day to prevent burn-outs. The managers have an overall view of the team global mood. Individuals are anonymized.

VueJS Ionic Capacitor Strapi WordPress ChartJS MSAL
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Year: 2023

Digital transformation project for a consulting firm, focusing on developing a hybrid cloud architecture and drafting an infrastructure budget plan.
Detailed information on the project's scope, specific challenges faced, solutions implemented, and the impact on the consulting firm’s operations could be added here. Read more

Document writing Change management Market analysis BPMN Diagram
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Year: 2023

Analyzed data to assess strengths and weaknesses of an import-export business. Utilized Python scripts and Power BI for data processing and reporting.

Python Power BI
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Year: 2022

Designed a digital solution for a festival to optimize event management and attendee engagement.
Implemented IoT for flow optimization and developed a WebApp using NextJS, Tailwind CSS, and Directus as BaaS. Read more

NextJS Tailwind CSS Directus
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Microsoft, Hackaton

Year: 2024

Digital transformation project for a consulting firm, developing a hybrid cloud architecture for a CRM.
Further details on drafting an infrastructure budget plan and specific integration strategies employed in the project. Read more

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Year: 2023

Digitization of the process of integrating new employees into a startup. This involves setting up a digital HR infrastructure and logic.
The integration of e-learning tools is also planned to improve the training and development phase. Read more

Wordpress OVH Cloud/DNS